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History of the Order

The Order of Carmelites has its origins on Mount Carmel, in Palestine, where, as we read in the II Book of Kings, the great prophet Elijah defended the true faith in the God of Israel, when he won the challenge against the false prophets of Baal. It was also on Mount Carmel that the same prophet, praying in solitude, saw the small cloud which brought life-giving rain after the long drought. From time immemorial, this mountain has been considered the lush garden of Palestine and symbol of fertility and beauty. Indeed, "Karmel" means "garden".


The Carmelite Order belongs in a special way to Mary, the one who, in her simplicity, was totally open and receptive to God's Word and pondered it in her heart. She is our Mother, our model and our sister helping us in our search for God.

Our Lady of Mount Caremel
Caves in the Mount of Carmel

In the late twelth or early thirteenth century a group of men - some, pilgrims from Europe, others, possibly former crusaders - settled on the slopes of Mount Carmel near the Spring of Elijah. Calling themselves the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, they tried to live, in the spirit of the prophet Elijah, a life of solitude and prayer.
They lived in caves in a secluded area called the Wadi Ain Es-Siah, seeking God in prayer, fasting and silence, coming together for the daily celebration of the Eucharist and a weekly meeting. Standing always before the Living God on behalf of His people, and totally dedicated to His worship and glory, these hermits had heard the call of Jesus Christ to leave everything and to follow him.

Primitive Rule

The Rule of the first Carmelites, given in 1209 by St Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem, is permeated with the flavor of Eastern monasticism. It is Biblical, evangelical, brief and converges towards the contemplation of God. With its insistence on continual prayer, obedience to a Superior, solitude and simplicity in every phase of life, its exhortation to manual work and its prescription for silence, perpetual abstinence and fasting, this first Rule has been called the “Primitive Rule’’ which is also known as a "Rule of Mysticism".

Friars in Europe

From the 1230’s the situation in the Holy Land became more precarious for Westerners. Some of the hermits sought refuge in Europe. They made foundations and began to adapt their life to this new setting. In 1247, Pope Innocent IV approved the way of life written by Albert of Jerusalem as the Carmelite Rule, modifying it to suit their new situation. This is the Rule which all Carmelites observe to this day.
By the end of the 13th century, however, these first Carmelites were forced from their solitude by marauding Saracens, and returned to their previous homelands in Europe, seeking to continue their life of prayer. The change in conditions in Europe forced them to abandon their hermit lifestyle in favor of a mendicant or apostolic one. They no longer lived in small hermitages away from people but moved gradually into the cities, teaching, preaching and administering the sacraments. Now the simple hermits became involved in active ministries much like the Dominicans and Franciscans. Thus the Carmelite Order began to spread throughout Europe.

St Simon Stock And The Scapular


Tradition has it that Our Lady appeared to St Simon Stock, an early Prior General, and gave him the Brown Scapular as a sign of her protection. The scapular is an important part of our Carmelite Habit. By wearing it we proclaim that we belong to Mary, that we wish to be clothed with her virtues and mirror in our lives the beauty of her holiness. A smaller version of the Scapular has become popular with lay people.

The Feminine Branch of the Carmelites starts……..

In 1452 the horizons of the Order were widened when the reforming Prior General, Blessed John Soreth, obtained permission from the Pope for the establishment of convents of Carmelite nuns and for the Order to accept laity as members of the Third Order. So, after 250 years the Carmelite Order began to welcome women members. These nuns soon spread throughout Europe, and it was into the Carmel of the Incarnation in Avila, Spain, that St Teresa of Jesus, Our Holy Mother, entered in the year 1534.
At that time the monastery was unable to support its 180 nuns, and Teresa, with her attractive personality, was often asked to spend time socializing with the many wealthy people of the city who provided some financial assistance for the community. For 20 years she struggled to give herself totally to God who was drawing her into a deeper life of prayer. Eventually, before an image of Jesus wounded and suffering, she received the grace she needed to live for him alone. Finding it extremely difficult to live her vocation fully at the Incarnation, she believed God was calling her to begin a small community where she might more easily live in poverty, solitude, silence and prayer, in the spirit of those first hermits on Mt Carmel.


Reform of St. Teresa..



Look down from heaven upon us,



visit it by your presence, and perfect the work


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